Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Better Late than Never

I know that I promised to post earlier, but life, sad to say, gets in way sometimes.. Here are some of my random thoughts on TV over the past week.

While I thought season 4 of Mad Men was generally superb, I thought the season finale was a disappointment. Usually, there is some optimism to rise among the pessimism, but I thought that Don's proposal to his secretary seemed a false note, and came almsot completely out of left field. Had he had the relationship with the doctor there, I'd have thought it would be more realistic, but it seems labored and a mistake in a show where the writers don't make that many. Rather it was the woman who stood tall. Peggy may have single-handedly saved SterlinG-Cooper (by 1970 she'll be the running the place, I tell you) Joan got promoted and revealed that she didn't get the abortion we thought she did, and Betty demonstrated what we've known for a long time--- she'll never be happy no matter who she's with or where she lives. It is January Jones who takes a character whose behavior in the long run would be loathsome and turns her into a human being--- I hope this year she gets the Emmy she's been owed the last two seasons.

In regards my earlier posts on Boardwalk Empire, I must recant a bit. The more episodes that I see of it, the better it gets. I'm still not sure who all the players are in this particular drama, and I'm not entirely convinced Buscemi will be a solid lead, but the surrounding cast, particularly Michael Pitt and Gretchen Mol (who's finally got a role worth of her talents) are giving fine performances. This show may come from Sopranos stock, but its Deadwood that it reminds me of, not just because of the somewhat archaic cursing. Boardwalk Empire demonstrates that there is a very fine line between law and crime, and these authorities keep pushing it back further.

However, the real most valuable player on TV today is Parenthood, a show that I had early misgivings about has become one of the best performed shows on TV today. After being so gravely disappointed by Brothers and SIsters, it's nice to know that there is the possibility of a functional family, with parents who love and support each other, who aren't always stepping on each others toes, and marriages that need work but have people willing to fix each other. I am also glad to see that some of the actors who didn't have as mcuh to do like Sam Jaeger, Mae Whitman, and Bonnie Bedeila are finally getting some screen time. It's a shame that, like almost everythign else on NBC, no one seems to want to watch it. Maybe the Golden Globes will show it some much needed love.

That's enough for now. Next time, my thoughts on some of the new crop of shows, including why I'm finally on Jim Belushi's side.

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